Taking Back Your Spiritual Power

Taking back your spiritual power is not something that will always be easy to some or a lot. A lot of black people are bound by religion especially those of the Christian faith.You go to church every Sunday and Bible study most Wednesdays, or whenever it happens throughout the week. While you’re there you begin to think that there has to be more out there than what is happening in the church. You also begin to question your faith and your beliefs from time to time. What is one to do when you are in the confusion state of your life? Do you give up on believing, or do you search for what else there is or might be in life? These are the questions some of us have to face and live with, this challenge is something that can be conquered. Just find yourself and stay grounded.

Research is one thing that helps us all evolve and gives us knowledge, but what is obtaining knowledge without paying a price? I have paid the price, actually, I still am paying the price. My whole existence is a price to be payed. Just a little a background about myself, I grew up in a Christian household, still growing up in one because I still live with my parents. Once I got into college I still had my faith and belief in Jesus, but once I had a class while being a junior, that is when I started to do heavy research of my own and figure out what I believed in might not be something I want to partake in anymore. There was a battle within me that I had to sort out for myself. I had to put down religion and turn to spirituality. I had to take my power back that was stolen from me. I had to go back to the source without having all the extra steps attached to it, I had to be free. Now, I have no problem with studying Vodou, Santeria, Ifa, the crafts, and other spiritual and natural endeavors.

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